Last Days…

January 2025


“It’s a Beautiful Morning”

Dear Friends  –  This site was started in 2010.  It is a place where I write about my thoughts and experiences, using my astro-photography as a way to share the Glory of God with others.  Since God brings such wonderful hope to our lives, it is important to acknowledge Him in all we do.  The messages and images contained within this site are simply intended to be a blessing and a spiritual encouragement to all visitors.  The astro-images included with each message give witness to God’s creation in the universe.  The Bible scripture referenced in these messages is God’s Truth – may it stir meaning in your life.  As you go through your week, consider what God is doing in your life, and may He richly bless you along the way.  Your comments on this message or this web site are welcome.         -Mike Sherick    

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
    (all verses NKJV)


 “It’s a Beautiful Morning”

Good Morning Friends.  God has blessed us with another beautiful day here in Las Cruces.  Take time today to give the Lord thanks for all that He is doing in your life.  Be reminded that this is the day that the Lord has made – just for you!  Rejoice and be glad in it – for all that we have in life is a gift from God.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”  (James 1:17)

Over the last week, we have had a run of stormy weather here in southern New Mexico, so I have not had the opportunity of late to image any “heavenly objects” from my remote robotic observatory.  However, we don’t have to look too far for opportunities to witness God’s glory – we just have to look around.  For all that we see is God’s creation.   Amen!   So… this morning, I decided to take some photos of the local desert environment that surrounds our neighborhood – and share with you what I witnessed.  More on this in a litte while…

As it turned out, the Lord had revealed a fresh new day, with clear blue sky and crisp morning temperatures – a perfect morning for a walk in the desert.   It’s amazing how God’s timing is always perfect.  Isn’t it wonderful how God allows everything to come together for good.  I’m reminded of what it says in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”  Yes… we have an awesome God.  His wisdom has no end, and His knowledge, presence, and understanding extends into everything in our lives – our omniscient God.

Even though I know that God has everything under control, and that He works all things for good, I will sometimes become rather impatient.  Isaiah 53:6 comes to mind.   Does that ever happen in your life?   A small example of this is my waiting for weather to improve so I can open up the remote observatory and image a galaxy or some other object out in space.  There are other examples of this – some of which I’m not too proud of, but you get the idea.  The point is, we all tend to lose patience with God. 

Sometimes it seems that God has other plans, and His timing is quite different than ours.   We want it, when we want it!  Does that sound familiar?  This is our sinful nature on display.  In this regard, we must constantly remind ourselves that God’s plan is a better plan, and that God’s timing is better timing – sometimes we  must  wait upon the Lord.  This requires us to know and believe by faith that God indeed has a better plan – and in obedience, we must be patient.  How are you at being patient?   How are you at waiting on the Lord?  When you think about being patient for the Lord, give some thought to these considerations:

Trust – We must trust that God has a willingness to hear and answer our prayers.  We must trust what the Bible teaches – that God is unchangeable, and the same yesterday, today, and forever.  We must trust that God will never leave or forsake us.  We must trust that God has a plan for our lives.  Isaiah 26:3-4, “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in You.  Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.” (NASB)

Resistance – We must resist our sinful nature to give up on God.  We must resist our sinful desire to go our own way, and be tempted by Satan.  We must resist the intellect that says we can do everything under our own power.  We must resist being defiant to the Holy Spirit.  We must resist turning away from God’s word.  Joshua 1:8, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Prayer – It is not God that is deaf, it is usually our impatience that makes us feel that way.  We must believe that in all situations and circumstances, God hears us.    We must humble ourselves before our Lord, and realize that He knows what we need even before we ask Him.  We must believe that God answers all prayers, and believe that His timing is perfect for our lives.  We must extend our prayers to include our praise to God.  We must pray to God for patience and perserverance.   James 5:7-8, “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

Patience is indeed an important consideration for our life.  Listen to what it says in Psalm 27:14, “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!”    Let patience be an integral part of your life, and may the Lord give you strength and guide you along each step of the way.


Back to my morning walk in the desert…  I guess you could say that my patience paid off, for the Lord allowed for a beautiful day. 

So, with camera in hand, my wife and I began our trek into the desert.  I was surprised to discover just how many interesting desert plants were on display.   I recall that during our walk, while feeling the blissful warmth of the rising sun, I found myself singing the pop tune  “It’s a Beautiful Morning”  by the Young Rascals.  Have you heard that song?  In the course of our 45 minute walk, I took quite a few photos of the different plant life, which are presented in the video below.  It was wonderful to be a witness to God’s glory – on display for all to see!

When I reflect back on this morning’s walk in the desert, and the beauty that I witnessed – I am reminded of the One who created all things.  In closing, reflect on what is says in John 1:1-5,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.   In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.   And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

Let this understanding be with you today as you behold God’s creation on display, both in the heavens and on the earth.  Remember also that the Truth is revealed in His creation, and that the Truth will set you free.  “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  (John 8:32)

Have a great day, and as you go through your day, take a look at God creation that is around you.   I’m guessing that you too will find yourself singing…    It’s a beautiful morning…

May the Lord place someone in your path that you may share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Your brother in Christ,   Mike Sherick



4 comments to “It’s a Beautiful Morning”

  • Ruben Ortega

    Good morning Mike, I really enjoyed the “change” on your message today. Not that I don’t enjoy your astro-photos. It amazing how God challenges to trust Him to do what we can with what we have. And He gives us lots “to do with”.

    I took the time to read through your message using the translation button. The Spanish translation is great! It does an exceptional job translating it. This is the best translator I have seen.

    I would like you to consider two things: One, could you direct me to what translating engine you used so I could use it on my mid-week refresher? Two, we are always looking for “fresh” photos to use for our multi-media. Would you consider putting together a disc of both your astro-photos and desert pics for Elaine to go through to use during our worship etc.?

    Brother, thank you for ministering to me through word. God used your words to refresh my spirit today. Have a wonderful day and keep the messages coming. Blessings, Ruben

  • Mike,
    Speaking of beautiful, I have compiled a few images on a blog called “Life in Ojai”…….enjoy it:

  • Daryl Lundberg

    Sitting here with Gertie and Warren looking at the catus that you took photos of on your walk. Amazing. We all say Hello!


  • Lilly

    Thank you Mike for your writings. For those (such as myself) who may not live in the desert (like New Cruces)
    but who are living in a spiritual oasis, the desert photos are an appropriate representation of the beauty
    we must still focus on among the not so beautiful in our situations. Your article read like a devotional
    which is what I was looking for. Thanks again for the encouraging words and Scriptures. The Lord bless you

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