Hello Friends,
As part of this web site, I thought it would be nice to share with you some of my adventures in the “ARTS”. Since I was a small boy, I have had an interest in creating things of all kinds. I have worked over the years in a variety of artistic disciplines, including watercolor and oil painting, crafts, instrument making, as-well-as technical artistry with my current activity in CCD Imaging and astrophotography displayed in another part of this web site.
For years I was interested in doing seascape paintings, such as the one shown below.
Having recently moved from California to New Mexico, I guess I am now challenged with taking up desert landscapes. We’ll see…
In any case, since this web site is under development, I will be adding content as time goes on. Check out the links to the left for other interests. I hope you will stop by from time-to-time to see what is new with my artistic endeavors. -Mike Sherick
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