Last Days…

January 2025


Oil Painting

We have all heard of the “starving artist”.  Well… that was me in my late teens.  I have always loved painting – especially seascapes, and for years displayed and sold my paintings on the beachfront in Santa Barbara, California.   The seascape shown below is a not-so-recent work showing the rugged coastline near Point Conception where I grew up as a young boy.  These days, my oils and paint brushes have taken a back seat to my interest in CCD Imaging.  It’s always the case that we migrate to various interest over the years – sometimes coming back to them in life…


“Jalama Surf”  Point Conception, Califronia


2 comments to Oil Painting

  • Dear Mike,

    Larry and I were privileged to hear news that something that will “knock our socks off” is coming our way from you and your bride. We are humbled and very excited to see…hear more…learn more. Thank you for sharing in ministry to others the way you do! Larry and I share your passion and certainly hope to meet you some day. You have been such a blessing to my dad. I’m personally very grateful for that.

    Your partners and friends in the Gospel,
    Lisa (and Larry)

  • Hello Larry, Lisa,

    Actually, the shoe is on the other foot. You folks have set a wonderful Christ-like example for us all to follow. I hope you enjoy what is coming your way. It’s a small expression of our appreciation for the love you demonstrate in Chirst. Little Carly is blessed to have such wonderful parents that help to shine the light for others to see. Also, great job on the book “Finding Glory in the Thornes”. Your story has truly touched our lives, and we will never forget the goodness that God has raised up in Carly. Through her, God’s plan is being carried out in His own timing. where such a profound impact is being made in the lives of so many people. God’s miracles are being made manifest in Carly as His special witness. It is comforting to know that this precious little soul that is Carly, which God has sought to create, will someday be in heaven – perfected and whole – giving glory to the one true God that has made a way for our salvation through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing your story.

    Love in Christ,
    Mike & Carol

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